Treatment Programs in Edinburg, TX

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs in Edinburg are designed to help recovering people learn healthy new ways for living a sober lifestyle. Most people assume that drug rehab centers only exist to help people through the detox process.

However, drug detox in Edinburg is only the first step in comprehensive treatment programs for addiction. Detox eliminates the effects of the substance from the body, but it does nothing to address the underlying psychological triggers behind dysfunctional behaviors associated with addictive substance use.

Drug and alcohol rehab treatment programs for addiction begin identifying some of the recovering person's individual triggers behind self-destructive behaviors and attitudes. Each person is assessed to determine the type of drug being taken before tailoring the right combination of treatments to improve the chances of making a successful recovery.

Rehab also begins to teach each person in recovery to develop a strong strategy for relapse prevention in Edinburg and remaining clean and sober after leaving our treatment facility.

What is Addiction Treatment Therapy?

Addiction treatment programs in Edinburg use a combination of different therapies to help the recovering person develop a recovery plan that works best for their individual needs. Some common types of addiction treatment therapy include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) works to identify self-destructive patterns of behavior behind addictive substance use and then develop positive ways to change the attitudes behind those patterns.

Motivational interviewing: Motivational interviewing (MI) is a one-on-one counseling approach designed to identify the recovering person's motivation to change and to resolve feelings of ambivalence.

Motivational incentives: Motivational incentives can form a positive component in any addiction treatment therapy program. The person may earn small rewards or incentives for achieving positive goals, such as remaining sober.

Group meetings: Group therapy meetings provide positive sources of peer support and motivation. By nature, addicts tend to isolate themselves, so attending group support meetings can reduce feelings of isolation during the recovery process. Group support meetings can include 12-step meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Other groups such as SMART Recovery provide a range of recovery tools and resources for recovering people, along with access to community forums that can provide added support during times when physical group meetings are unavailable.

Types of Treatment Programs for Addiction

Aside from the conventional types of addiction treatment therapy, many treatment programs in Edinburg also incorporate a range of alternative therapies. These can include:

Art Therapy -- Creative therapies provide a healthy form of expression for pent-up frustrations and emotions, as well as offering a non-vocal way to express and resolve feelings. Working on a creative project can also improve self-esteem and confidence levels. Commonly used types of art therapy include music, art, drawing, painting, writing, or dancing.

Restorative Yoga -- Yoga uses a range of poses and postures in combination with controlled breathing techniques. Aside from rebuilding strength in wasted muscles, yoga promotes a sense of relaxation that makes it easier to manage stress associated with the addiction recovery process. Studies also show that yoga can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Family therapy -- Most people assume only the person in rehab needs therapy. However, therapy can also be beneficial for family members and loved ones. Family therapy provides education about the nature of addiction and the family members' role within the recovery process.

Nutritional therapy -- Many people recovering from addiction may suffer from malnutrition. Drugs and alcohol can interfere with the body's normal absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but many people in the grip of addiction also don't tend to eat properly. Malnutrition can affect the recovery process and make any underlying health problems even worse. Nutritional therapy works to teach the person the importance of self-care and healthy living as part of drug and alcohol addiction recovery.

Some treatment programs in Edinburg also offer a range of other alternative therapies that can include acupuncture, biofeedback, equine or animal therapy, exercise programs, and job skills training. The objective of alternative and holistic therapies is to teach people in recovery to use natural and healthy ways to cope with stress, relieve symptoms of anxiety or depression, and begin rebuilding self-confidence.

Recovering people are encouraged to engage in a range of different addiction treatment therapy programs to gauge their response to each. Not everyone responds in the same way to all therapies, so it's important to try several to see which ones produce the best results. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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