Inpatient Drug Rehab in Edinburg, TX

Inpatient drug rehab in Edinburg uses a combination of treatments and therapies intended to help each recovering person develop their own strategy for remaining clean and sober over the long term.

Inpatient rehab programs begin with the detox process to help break the body's physical dependency on the substance of abuse. However, detox by itself won't do anything to address the psychological reasons behind dysfunctional drug abuse behaviors.

Some of the therapies and treatments incorporated into a comprehensive program of treatment in an inpatient rehab center may include behavioral therapies, counseling sessions, group meetings, and alternative therapies.

What is Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient drug rehab in Edinburg is a comprehensive treatment program for treating drug or alcohol addiction. The person is required to live at the residential treatment facility for the duration of treatment, which gives them the opportunity to focus solely on the recovery process without distraction.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab Usually Last?

The majority of inpatient rehab programs last for around 30 days, on average. However, more extensive programs may extend for 60 or even up to 90 days in some cases, depending on the type of drug being taken and the severity of the addiction.

What Happens in Inpatient Rehab Treatments?

It's common for many people to believe that inpatient rehab programs expect a recovering person to change everything about their lifestyle, so they tend to avoid entering treatment. Yet residential rehab programs focus only on addressing some of the underlying psychological triggers behind self-destructive behaviors and attitudes associated with addictive substance abuse.

When a person enters into inpatient drug rehab in Edinburg, they're assessed to determine the type of drug being taken and the severity of the addiction. Specialists also assess whether there are any symptoms of mental health disorders that may be exacerbating the addictive behaviors that could need to be treated simultaneously.

From there, it's easier to tailor the correct combination of therapies, medications, and treatment programs to help the person learn strong new recovery skills, relapse prevention strategies, and mechanisms for coping with stress using healthy, natural alternatives to drugs or alcohol.

Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

There are many benefits to seeking treatment at an inpatient drug rehab in Edinburg. Perhaps the primary benefit of inpatient rehab programs is that recovering people are removed from people and places associated with former substance abuse habits. Drug rehab centers provide a safe, drug-free environment where the recovering person can focus solely on the recovery process without distraction or temptation to return to old patterns of behavior.

During a course of treatment in an inpatient rehab center, the person begins to learn effective new ways of managing urges and cravings using healthy coping skills and mechanisms. Counseling sessions also begin helping the person recognize early warning signs of a potential relapse, as well as developing a strong new relapse prevention strategy to reduce the risk of the person returning to self-destructive behaviors.

Just as the triggers behind each person's drug or alcohol use are different, the strategies needed to help the person remain sober after leaving rehab are also individualized. Specialists in drug and alcohol treatment centers strive to find the right combination of treatments to help each person develop their own strategy for avoiding a potential relapse, as well as combining the right therapies to help maintain motivation to remain clean and sober

Who Needs Treatment at an Inpatient Rehab?

Anyone struggling to break free from the grip of drug or alcohol addiction should seek professional help at an inpatient drug rehab in Edinburg. It's common for many people struggling with addiction to assume they don't need help in an inpatient rehab center.

Some deny they have a problem at all, while others may believe they have their drug or alcohol usage under control and have no concept of how their behavior is affecting those around them. Still others may believe they can detox at home and somehow be cured after a couple of days going through withdrawal.

In reality, people who engage in our comprehensive treatment programs in Edinburg have a significantly increased likelihood of remaining clean and sober after leaving treatment. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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