Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Edinburg, TX

Dual diagnosis treatment in Edinburg is a specialized form of rehab treatment designed to treat people struggling with co-occurring disorders. Traditional methods of treatment tend to subject people with more than one disorder to separate systems of care.

For example, a person with a substance abuse disorder would be sent into a drug and alcohol rehab facility to help them get clean without acknowledging any other underlying psychological problems the person might have.

Likewise, a person with a mental illness would not be admitted into a mental health facility for treatment if they had an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Rather, the person would be sent to conventional drug rehab centers first to get clean before being admitted into a care facility to receive an opposing method of treatment for the mental health issue.

However, more recent research has shown that using an integrated approach to dual diagnosis treatments can improve outcomes. Dual diagnosis treatment in Edinburg uses a combination of treatments and therapies that take both disorders into account when determining the correct way to treat the person's individual problems.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is the term used when a person has symptoms of at least one mental health disorder at the same time as a substance abuse disorder.

Many people struggling with symptoms of mental illness may turn to drugs or alcohol in an effort to self-medicate. The person may use substances to numb painful emotions or hide from debilitating symptoms.

Some types of mental health disorders are more commonly linked to drug or alcohol addiction than others. These include:

Anxiety: Living with anxiety and panic disorders can be challenging for sufferers, as the attacks themselves can cause enormous distress. However, the fear of experiencing another attack at some point in the future can be almost as difficult as the actual attack itself.

Alcohol and drugs can provide some temporary relief from the distressing emotions associated with panic disorder. Yet substances can also make symptoms of anxiety worse or even trigger symptoms of another attack.

Depression: There has been a long-standing link between addiction and depression, as many people with a depressive illness may turn to alcohol in an effort to temporarily improve mood. However, alcohol can make existing symptoms of depression worse or even trigger depressive symptoms in some people.

OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fears that cause the person to engage in compulsive rituals that sometimes provide some temporary relief. Common rituals might include obsessive handwashing or checking locks or lining up objects in a specific order. However, symptoms of anxiety return soon after the compulsive rituals stop, which can be debilitating and affect many aspects of a sufferer's life. The result is an increased likelihood of turning to drugs or alcohol in an effort to cope.

PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is perhaps one of the most debilitating mental illnesses, characterized by horrific memories, flashbacks and nightmares that disrupt a person's life. In an effort to numb painful emotions, horrible memories, or upsetting feelings, sufferers face an increased likelihood of turning to drugs or alcohol to provide temporary respite.

Why is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Necessary?

Dual diagnosis treatment in Edinburg provides specialized treatment programs designed to treat both disorders concurrently. While traditional treatments are offered under separate systems of care, dual diagnosis treatment programs in Edinburg take both the mental health disorder and the substance abuse disorder into account simultaneously.

Dual diagnosis rehab centers begin treatment by assessing the symptoms of mental illness and determining the type of substance being used. The first step in dual diagnosis treatment programs is the detox process to eliminate the effects of the substance from the system. However, due to the co-existing mental illness the person may also need relevant psychopharmacology, or prescription medications to help manage the symptoms of mental health problems.

When the detox process is complete, specialists within a dual diagnosis rehab facility will tailor the right combination of therapies and treatments to improve outcomes. Counseling and behavioral therapies take into account the presence of the co-existing mental illness and work towards addressing the triggers behind addictive behaviors to give the recovering person the best possible chance of remaining clean and sober after leaving rehab.

Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Rehab

One of the primary benefits of seeking specialized dual diagnosis treatment in Edinburg is that the recovering person has access to the best possible range of recovery tools and resources needed to remain sober over the long term.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs integrate therapies and counseling sessions to ensure both disorders are addresses simultaneously. Recovering people also learn strong strategies for relapse prevention in Edinburg designed to help them reduce the risk of returning to self-destructive behaviors associated with addiction and increase the chances of remaining clean and sober.

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